Global Script Program Calculus Examples

Continuation-Passing Monads

module 'cont.(type t = 'tr, ..) ∝ newtype 'm 'α. ∀ 'r. (α → m r) → m r; -- ↓ Using Haskell-style monads is particularly useful here to show the intimate connection between continuation-passing style and monads instance module monad.c ( 'm) = monad.asHaskell 〈 'unit 'x = (λ 'k. k x); 'a '>>= 'f = (λ 'k. cont.out a $ λ 'x. cont.out (f x) $ k); 〉; cont.lift.natural :: ∀ 'm1 'm2. monad.t m1 → monad.t m2 → (∀ 'α. m1 α → m2 α) → ∀ 'α. m1 α → m2 α; implicit cont.lift.natural (module monad.c) (module monad.c); 'cont.lift.natural (module 'm1) (module 'm2) 'f ( 'a) = (λ 'k. m2.join $ f $ a $ m1.unit ∘ k); -- ↑ Types are: -- -- > k :: α → m2 r -- > m1.unit ∘ k :: α → m1 (m2 r) -- > a $ m1.unit ∘ k :: m1 (m2 r) -- > f $ a $ m1.unit ∘ k :: m2 (m2 r) -- > m2.join $ f $ a $ m1.unit ∘ k :: m2 r

The Fibionacci Numbers

'fibs ∝ 0 : 1 : lift2 @list.byZip (+) fibs (drop 1 fibs);


view (@@) :: ∀ 'α. α → α → α; -- > match (@@) :: ∀ 'α 'β. β → (α → α → β) → α → β; match (@@) 'e 'k 'x = k x x; data 'α. | nothing | just α :: 〈 abstype t :: * → *; nothing, view nothing, :: ∀ 'α. t α; just, view just, :: ∀ 'α. α → t α; 〉; Core[| data 'α. | nothing | just α |] = ⌊"Π〈 abstype t α = ⌊"Σ〈 nothing "uΠ〈〉; just "uΠ〈 0 :: α; 〉; 〉⌋; nothing = λ (type α :: *). ⌊"constr "Σ〈 nothing "uΠ〈〉; just "uΠ〈 0 :: α; 〉; 〉 nothing "uΠ〈〉⌋ ⊳ "defn t α; match nothing = λ (type α :: *). λ (type β :: *). ⌊λ (e :: β). ⌊λ (k :: β). ⌊λ (x :: t α). for ⌊x0⌋ ∝ x ⊳ "invert ("defn t α). analyze x0 case nothing "uΠ〈〉. k case _. e ⌋⌋⌋; just = λ (type α :: *). ⌊λ (x :: α). ⌊"constr "Σ〈 nothing "uΠ〈〉; just "uΠ〈 0 :: α; 〉; 〉 just "uΠ〈 0 = x; 〉⌋ ⊳ "defn t α⌋; match just = λ (type α :: *). λ (type β :: *). ⌊λ (e :: β). ⌊λ (k :: ⌊α → β⌋). ⌊λ (x :: t α). for ⌊x0⌋ ∝ x ⊳ "invert ("defn t α). analyze x0 case just "uΠ〈 0 = x0.0; 〉. k x0.0 case _. e ⌋⌋⌋; 〉⌋; instance module eq.c bool.t = eq.byEq 〈 bool.false '≡ bool.false :- bool.true; bool.true '≡ bool.true :- bool.true; _ '≡ _ :- bool.false; 〉; instance module bool.t = 〈 bool.false '≤ 'x :- bool.true; bool.true '≤ bool.true :- bool.true; _ '≤ _ :- bool.false; bool.false `'compare` bool.false :- eq; bool.false `'compare` bool.false :- lt; bool.true `'compare` bool.true :- eq; bool.true `'compare` bool.false :- gt; 〉; :: ∀ 'r 'α | α ≤ r, r ≤ 〈 (≤) :: α → α → bool.t; 〉. r → α; ' (module 'le) = for ( 'inst ∝ 〈 'x '≥ 'y = y `le.≤` x; 'x '< 'y = not (y `le.≤` x); 'x '> 'y = not (x `le.≤` x); 'x `'compare` 'y = analyze x `le.≤` y (case true. analyze y `le.≤` x case true. eq case false. lt ) case false. gt ; 〉 ) module le `record.overlay` inst; type 'iterator 'α = 〈 abstype st :: *; start :: st; eof :: st → bool.t; deref :: st → α; next :: st → st; 〉; list.iterator :: ∀ 'α. list.t α → iterator α; 'list.iterator 'xn = 〈 abstype st = list.t α; 'start ∝ xn; 'eof nil :- true; 'eof _ :- false; 'deref !('x:'xn) = x; 'next !('x:'xn) = xn; 〉; iterator.foldr :: ∀ 'α. (α → β → β) → β → iterator α → β; 'iterator.foldr 'f 'z (module 'it) = work it.start where 'work 'st = analyze it.eof st case true. z case false. deref it `f` work (next it) ;